23 pin D-SUB female connector
The D-subminiature or D-sub is a common type of electrical connector. They are named for their characteristic D-shaped metal shield. Connector usually contains two or more parallel rows of pins or sockets surrounded by a D-shaped metal shield that provides mechanical support, ensures correct orientation, and screen against electromagnetic interference.
- Amiga Computer to RGB Monitor cable pinout for Amiga All models
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- Amiga to C1084 monitor cable pinout for Amiga All models
- Amiga video pinout
- Amiga External Diskdrive pinout for Amiga All models
This is the 23 pin D-SUB female connector

The pinouts for the 23 pin D-SUB female connector are:
23 pin D-SUB female connector is compatible with:
Amiga devices:
There is one linked connector - 23 pin D-SUB male. Click here for details.